
Do you feel stuck? In a rut? In a pattern you can’t shake? Like you are spinning in circles and can’t move forward? There is a way out. The first step is recognizing your part in the pattern. What are you doing to contribute to the cycle? And this isn’t about blame or shame, this is just about information so that you can begin to do something different. Once you have a clearer picture of what is happening you can decide what to do differently, after all the only thing you actually have control over is your own behavior.  Try something new; say no, say yes, say you’ll think about it, go out, stay in, try harder, don’t try so hard, etc. Once you try something new, check in with yourself; how did that feel? Better? Worse? What came up for you? Relief? Guilt? Don’t like how it turned out? Do something new next time. DO like how it turned out? Do more of that.  Making change is hard and it starts with knowledge so you can make more informed decisions about how you want to respond. Small changes over time add up! Need help figuring it all out? I am here to help. Make your first appointment today.

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