Unrealistic Hope

Acceptance is the idea that you can give up the hope that something will be different and take it as it is in reality. We often hold on to unrealistic hope in relationships and that holds us back from the freedom that comes with acceptance. Do you wish someone would do more, say more, be different, treat you differently even though they never have? That is an example of unrealistic hope. Accepting people as they are means you are free to make decisions based on truth instead of hope. While living in truth might seem harder at first it does free you up to get what you need elsewhere. Are you scared to face the truth in a relationship because that means you will have to make a hard decision, have a hard conversation, or realize something hard about yourself? It might not seem worth it, but I promise at the end of the day seeing things, people, relationships for what they are will lift such a weight from your soul it is worth pursuing. I am here to help. Make your appointment today.

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