Who’s got time for self-care?

Self-care is often talked about these days.  Taking a bubble bath is a commonly shown example.  But who’s got time for that?  And why is self-care even important?

Self-care is very important, it gives us the time we need to check in with our bodies and our feelings.  Are we tired? Hungry? Anxious? Angry? Defeated?  What do we need to lead a more peaceful life?  The answer to these types of questions can be found in self-care, and it is important that we ask these questions and find these answers.  What is also true is that you may not have time to “unplug” for an hour, or maybe you hate baths, that’s ok! There are endless ways to self-care!

Some more acceable ways to get some self-care are to turn off your radio when you drive and get some silence in this ever louder world.  Or maybe it’s to crank your favorite song and sing at the top of your lungs.  Self-care can be walking your dog and counting the trees as you go, noticing the leaves and the different shades of green, leaving your to-do list alone for 5 minutes. There are apps or YouTube with as little as 2 minute guided meditations.  Eating an apple and listening to the crunch.  Going to sleep 5 minutes earlier.  Giving yourself a scalp massage for 30 seconds as you wash your hair.  Self-care can be small, but it is meanigful to focus on your own needs regularly for as little as 30 seconds.  How do you connect with yourself?  List your self-care ideas in the comments.

Feeling Disconnected

Do you feel disconnected from your life?  Are you so busy working, doing laundry, driving the kids around, homework, go go go, that you wonder what the purpose is?  Have you noticed that you are no longer able to find joy in the day to day?  Life has gotten boring?  This is normal!  If you have checked out of your feelings to protect yourself from the seeming monotony then you might also miss the small moments of joy to be found.  One good way to reconnect with the present is to take a minute to do some deep breathing.  Breathe in for 4 through your nose, and then breathe out for 4 through your mouth.  Feel the air as it moves through your body, feel your lungs expand, listen to the sound the air makes as it travels out of your mouth.  Feel all of your senses wake up slowly.  Do this as necessary to reconnect with this moment, allowing you to check back in.

Together we will talk about why you checked out in the first place and find ways in which you can check back in.  You do not have to go through your life as if you are watching someone else live it.  Be present for those around you, and most importantly for yourself.  Schedule an appointment today.


Infertility often brings a surprising and complex number of emotions, not to mention the physical and financial toll of treatments.  If you are feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of going through treatment or all of the choices that are involved, or if you have had success after infertility and still struggle with the emotions that are left over know that you are not alone.  If you would like to talk more about these things so that you do not have to carry these feelings with you I am here to help you sort through it all.

Have you explored the effects that infertility has had on your relationship? I offer individual and couples counseling.  I am someone who is familiar with the process, which may make talking about it easier.  Contact me today and end the silence, you don’t have to figure this out alone.

Should we go to therapy? Part Two

Are you in a relationship and wondering if therapy would be helpful?  Yes! No matter what stage of a relationship you are in you may find benefits to counseling.  I offer premarital counseling, which would typically be about 6 sessions, and is an excellent way to discuss expectations and set your relationship up for success. Just had a baby?  There are a whole new set of rules to talk about and having a therapist guide you can help smooth out that process.  New job, kids moving out, retirement? Any and all life changes affect your relationship and coming to therapy can help strengthen the bond you share.

For those that have experienced betrayal in their relationship, it can be vital to have a therapist present to help sort out all those complicated feelings so you can decide how you want to move forward.

Couples who have decided to get divorced may also benefit from counseling.  Talking about how you want to tell your children or your family, planning how you want to interact with each other, and laying out plans for co-parenting can help make the process of divorce less painful for everyone involved.

Call or text now to book your appointment 725-222-9269 and, based on your needs, I will be happy to help grow your relationships or end it with a sense of peace.  Thank you and be well.

Should I go to Therapy? Part One

Have you ever thought about therapy? You must have or you would not have found yourself looking at this website.  And good for you for taking the first step.  But what now? Do you really need therapy?  I think the answer is yes. And why is that, you might wonder?  There are lots of reasons that you might find therapy helpful.  The first reason is, most of us grow up and no one has taught us how to deal with our feelings.  We were told to “stop crying” or to “grow up” or to “knock it off, it’s enough”.  We learned to stuff our feelings down, we were told not to express them so we try to stop.  And yet we find ourselves still having these big feelings. AND WE SHOULD, we are HUMAN.  I have found that the more you try to stuff your feelings the bigger and more out of control they become. Therapy can help you learn how to deal with feelings in a way that is healthy, productive, and healing; which is definitely possible.

One thing you can try at home is picturing your emotion as a cartoon character and letting it “act out” in your mind.  Give it five minutes and ask it if it feels better. If not, let it have a few more minutes and ask again.

What would therapy be like for you or want more tools on managing emotions?  Call or text now to book your appointment 725-222-9269 and I will be happy to help you learn to manage all of those human emotions. Thank you and be well.