Out of Control

We know people who are Type A; who like to plan and sort and organize and feel like they have control over their lives. Feeling out of control is scary! When people who enjoy feeling control feel out of control they can lash out at themselves, their lives and those around them. The anxiety that comes with feeling out of control is real. It can effect how we feel, our health and our relationships. One of the things we do in session is talk about why it is so important to feel like you have control. We also might talk about how to help shift what control even means, because if there is anything I have learned during this pandemic is that we have less control then we think and what we DO have control over is different than we think. If you are feeling anxiety, out of control, scared, or uncomfortable then right now might be a good time to come in and talk about those feelings. Book your appointment today.

Attention Health Care Workers and Support Staff

This time is all about you and how hard you are working to keep us healthy. You are working so much, worrying about our health, finding enough PPE, worrying about your family, and all the other things you have on your mind. During this extraordinary time don’t forget to protect your metal health. We all need a place to unload our worries, learn anti-anxiety tools, and just have some time to focus on ourselves. I know you are busy, which is why I am offering half or full sessions via teletherapy to fit your schedule. Text me today to set up your first appointment, 725-222-9269.

It’s a mad, mad world

These are unprecedented times. It is to be expected if you are struggling right now. It’s okay to not know how to manage this time and space. It’s okay to be nervous, scared even. It’s okay to not enjoy homeschooling. It’s okay to miss your co-workers. Whatever you are going through it is okay to feel all of your feelings. If you feel like your thoughts are swirling out of control it may be time to reach out and ask for some help. If the negative thoughts seem to be taking over it may be time to reach out and ask for some help. Getting help is okay too. Just because we are all locked in our homes does not mean that we have to go through this alone. Reach out. I am here.

Under Pressure…

When we are under stress we forget what we are supposed to do to help us calm down. In that moment we can feel helpless, which makes us feel more stressed. Whatever tools you have that you like to help bring you back to present you should practice often. Balloon breathing, square breathing, breathe in for 4 and out for 8, object naming, whatever your favorites are you can do them two- three times a day to help them sink into long term memory. It takes 90 days for things to sink in and, just like your favorite sport, the more you practice the more naturally the skill will come when you need it. So do your deep breathing in the morning, and before bed too. It will take 2 minutes and then when you need it, when that moment comes and you feel like you are panicking about something, your body will know what to do. Can you imagine learning to shoot a three point basket in basketball and then never doing it again until you are in the game? Mental health skills are the same as any other skill, practice makes perfect. Need some more tools to practice? Make your appointment today.

Who are you?

So often we pay attention to who everyone else is and what they like and how they act and what they respond to. These are important skills to have when working with clients, bosses, kids, spouses, anyone really. But how much time do you spend thinking about who you are? Or what do you like about yourself? Or what do you bring to the room? So often I ask clients, “who are you?” and they don’t know because they have never thought about it before. It is so important to know yourself! Until you are authentic with yourself, in yourself, to yourself you can’t be fully present in any other situation. You matter. If you want help figuring it out come in and let’s talk about it.

The Giving Season

Tis the season of giving. If you have the gift of time, money or energy to give then by all means, please give those gifts! Please know your limit though! It is okay to say no if giving would mean sacrificing part of yourself. You should never have to deplete all of your time, money or energy supply and anyone asking you to is no friend of yours. Remember the only people that object to your boundaries are the ones who benefit from you having none. Give with intention and love, but also to yourself. You matter.

Goals can seem overwhelming at first. It is important to remember that each big goal was made up of 1000 little steps to get there. What small step did you take today toward your goal? If you need help breaking down your goals into smaller steps, I am happy to help. If you need help remembering that you are making progress, I am happy to help. If you feel so overwhelmed that you haven’t even allowed yourself to think about your goals, I am happy to help with that too. Your dreams are achievable, just not all at once. Get started today.


Do you feel disconnected in your relationship? Do you wish you could find your way back to each other? Do you want to feel like your partner is on your team again? Communicating in a clear way is difficult, made even harder when emotions are involved. Let me help you sort through all that noise and find your way back to you. In finding yourself again it will clear you up to be able to communicate in a clear way with your partner. Come in together or even come alone but if you’re ready to feel closer and in a deeper sort of relationship make your appointment now.


What even is happiness? How will you know when you are happy? Happiness can seem like an elusive beast. Just as you grab it it slips through your fingers. I believe that happiness comes in moments of joy peppered throughout your life. I do not think it is a constant state of being. I think that the goal of being happy all the time is an illusion. It’s okay if happiness comes and goes, flits and floats in and out of your life. The question is are you ready for it when it does pass by? Can you enjoy it in the moment it arrives? Are you creating a life in which happiness is allowed to swing by more often?

There are ways to increase moments of happiness, including as Brené Brown states, gratitude. Every night try writing down three things for which you are grateful; your strong lungs which breath in and out all day, a child’s laugh, your partner’s bad jokes which make you wrinkle your nose and laugh on the inside, that yummy lunch…whatever brought you one moment of joy. Shift your attention, look for the moments to be grateful for. If you want to talk more about how to seek out happiness, and remove what might be standing in your way of it, make your appointment today.