In all things; Balance

Balance is a hard thing to achieve when we are used to thinking about things in extremes. Good behavior-bad behavior, good person- bad person. When we apply these extreme and harsh thoughts to actions, feelings, behaviors it is very easy to demonize yourself or others. Turns out this is childlike thinking. When we are childrenContinue reading “In all things; Balance”

Attention Health Care Workers and Support Staff

This time is all about you and how hard you are working to keep us healthy. You are working so much, worrying about our health, finding enough PPE, worrying about your family, and all the other things you have on your mind. During this extraordinary time don’t forget to protect your metal health. We allContinue reading “Attention Health Care Workers and Support Staff”

It’s a mad, mad world

These are unprecedented times. It is to be expected if you are struggling right now. It’s okay to not know how to manage this time and space. It’s okay to be nervous, scared even. It’s okay to not enjoy homeschooling. It’s okay to miss your co-workers. Whatever you are going through it is okay toContinue reading “It’s a mad, mad world”